Curriculum Highlights
- Addition and Subtraction of Two and Three-Digit Numbers
- Fractions
- Geometry
- Time to the Hour, Half-Hour and Minute
- Money
- Place Value to 1,000
- Estimation
- Problem Solving Strategies and Applications
- Tables, Graphs, and Charts
- Measurement
Language Arts
- Comprehension Strategies and Skills
- Author’s Purpose
- Genres
- Leveled Reading
- The Writing Process
- Writing to Express, Inform, Entertain, Persuade
- Capitalization and Punctuation
- Spelling Strategies
- Vocabulary
- First Reconciliation Sacramental Preparation
- First Holy Communion Sacramental Preparation
- The 7 Sacraments
- God Cares for Us
- Liturgical Life
- Social Justice and Moral Formation
- Prayer
- Communal Life
- Missionary Spirit
- Service
- Scientific Process
- Investigations
- Working Like a Scientist
- Technology and Our World
- Animals
- Plants
- Earth and Its Resources
- Weather
- The Solar System
- Matter
- Magnets
Social Studies
- Citizenship
- My Community, My Country
- Working to Meet Our Needs
- The World Around Us
- Culture and Traditions
- Our Nation, Past and Present