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Fifth Grade

In preparation for Middle School, Fifth Grade students are eligible for the Academic Honor Roll.  At the conclusion of the semester, HFCS announces the names of those students (grades 5 – 8) who have met the following honor roll requirements in all core clases (ELA, Religion, Math, Science and Social Studies):

"HIGH HONORS" are earned by those students with a combined numerical average of 95 or above in all core classes for the semester with a Conduct grade of Satisfactory or higher. 

"HONORS" are earned by those students with a combined numerical average of 90 or above in all core classes for the semester with a Conduct grade of Satisfactory or higher. 


Curriculum Highlights


Language Arts

  • Focus is on continued development of grammer and writing skills 
  • Correct mechanics usage and recognition
  • Development and expansion of writing techniques including expository, persuasive, narrative, comparison/contast, and research
  • Organizational strategies for writing
  • Complete sentence and paragraph structure and appropriate word choice 



  • Comprehension, listening and speaking reinforcement and techniques are incorporated throughout the year
  • works of fiction, nonfiction, drama, tales, articles and poetry
  • Outside class reading is mandatory in the form of the Accelerated Reading program
  • Vocabulary
  • Study and understanding of how focus words are used correctly in context, as parts of speech, and appropriate synonyms and antonyms for them



  • Focus is on reinforcement and expansion of basic arithmetic skills such as addition, substraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimal numbers
  • Algebraic expression-use of variables and fomulas
  • Problem solving and logic
  • Pattern recognition
  • Geometry-lines, rays, angles, shapes, figures
  • Measurement-metric and U.S. Customary
  • Probability and statistics



  • Cell theory and the study of the human body and its systems
  • Plants and the understanding of photosynthesis
  • Earth's processes
  • Conservation/preservation of resources
  • Weather and climate
  • Ocean processes
  • An expanded exploration of our solar system and the universe


Social Studies

  • Focus is on the history, geography and government fo the United States and our interactions with other people and nations
  • Prehistory of our continent
  • Native American origins
  • Our nation's early Europeans
  • America's wars including an expanded look at World War II
  • Recent history

Mrs. Alice Pritchard

Fifth Grade Homeroom Teacher 
Middle School Language Arts Teacher
Bachelor of Arts - English
Texas Christian University 
Master of Education
Texas Christian University 
Texas Certification - Secondary English and Psychology
Gifted and Talented Certification